
Ichhapuran Manbhum

We strive to provide highest quality education, bridging your child's success with well formed infrastructure of knowledge and resources.

Providing Access to Educational Resources

A privilege that the city children often take for granted, is still a distant dream for the children in Rural area in India. A library with books that the interested students actually desire to have, is still rare in many villages. 

Unfortunately, many schools in these areas are ill equipped to have a library filled with good and relevant books. Many can’t even afford to provide enough text books for their curriculum. We feel, the students in rural India too deserve to have access to the best books on all subjects. That’s the least we can do to provide an equal opportunity for them to create a brighter future for themselves

What We Do

A library society in rural Bengal conjures a picture of community-driven efforts to promote literacy and education in a region known for its rich cultural heritage and diverse socio-economic landscape. Here’s a portrayal of what such a society might entail:

Promoting Reading Habit & critical Thinking

Reading promotion raises the profile of reading in your school. It celebrates and strengthens a reading culture and allows you to share your passion for reading, favourite titles and authors. Here are some tips and ideas for promoting reading for pleasure.


Our goal is to raise money in order help provide resources for undergraduate students in rural area of Purlia. Students will complete the application forms to start the process. With the money we raise, we will be funding the students’ tuition as well as the books and course materials they require.


We are taking various activities like seminar, conference, film screening, access to internet & computer training which results in to a promising future of our students in rural areas of Purulia. Our institution is committed to promoting a culture of continuous learning and skill development.

Books Collection

What We have

For School

Rural Libraries


Education Support

Why Us

Most schools in rural India cannot afford even text books prescribed for curriculum

Majority of rural students do not have access to reference books and libraries

Physical and digital libraries are imperative to help rural student upskill themselves and have competitive parity.

Even the school teachers in rural India need upskilling on teaching tools and methodologies to help their students become better learners.

You will become member of our library by paying a small amount and then you can borrow as many books as you want free of cost as we do not charge any borrowing charges like other commercial libraries.